
Simple pricing

per user per month

Includes all Staffy's features:

Unlimited admins

Unlimited custom fields

Changes history for each user

Roles & permissions

Email notifications

with Slack

Mobile & tablet access

And more!



If you want to tell us about:

Your specific needs?

A lot of users?

Your nonprofit organization?

Or anything else?

We would love to help!

Frequently asked questions

  • What is a user?

    A user is any member of your team who has their own Staffy login. Each user can sign in to Staffy, update his information by himself and consult the profile of the other members of the team.

    What is an admin?

    An admin is a special member of your team who can create, rename, remove and organize the custom fields that compose your users' profiles. An admin sets up the permissions too; who can see and edit the users' information. The admin role is generally assigned to the HR staff of a company.

    Can I remove users at any time?

    Yes! You can easily remove users from your account with a couple of clicks.

    Do I have to sign an annual contract?

    No! Staffy is month-to-month. You can cancel at any time.

    How does the free trial work?

    You create your Staffy account and then get 14 days free. You can invite as many users as you want during the trial period. Each user will have unlimited access to all of Staffy's features.

    After 14 days, we’ll ask you for your credit card information, and you’ll be charged for the number of users in your Staffy account. Then you’ll be charged every month at the same date.